SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. Harrassment, Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Intimidation and Humiliation Policy 2024–2025 SkillsUSA Massachusetts Advisors’ Handbook Chapter 2: SkillsUSA Massachusetts Administration • 33 • Submission to or rejection of such advances, requests, or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of employment, academic standing, SkillsUSA- related opportunities, provision of services, or as a basis for employment decisions. • Such advances, requests, or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance by creating an intimi- dating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive work or educational environment. While it is not possible to list all circumstances that may be considered sexual harassment, the following are exam- ples of conduct that violate the law and policy and which, if severe and pervasive, constitute sexual harassment. In each case, such a determination will depend upon the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: • Unwelcome sexual advances, whether they involve phys- ical touching or not. • Unwelcome leering, whistling, brushing against the body, sexual gestures, suggestive or insulting comments. • Sexual epithets, jokes, written or verbal references to sexual conduct, comments about an individual’s body, comments about an individual’s sexual activity, deficien- cies, or prowess. • Discussions of one’s own sexual activities or inquiries into others’ sexual experiences. • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons. The definitions of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment are broad. In addition to the above examples, other unwelcome conduct, whether intended or not, that has the effect of creating a SkillsUSA environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating may consti- tute discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment. Please note that sexual harassment can occur adult to student, student to adult, student to student, male to female, female to male, female to female and male to male. III. Grievance Procedure: Reporting Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment A. Introduction If any SKILLSUSA student, parent, volunteer, or employee believes, in good faith, that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment or any other form of harassment or discrimination described above, the individual has a right to file a complaint with SKILLSUSA. This may be done infor- mally or formally, as described below. Volunteers, Advisors or other staff members who observe or receive reports of incidents of harassment or discrimination involving Members shall report such incidents immediately to a SkillsUSA staff member. Staff members aware of harass- ment or discrimination involving any employee shall report such incidents to the Executive Director to the President. Of the Board of Directors. Please note that while these procedures relate to SKILLSU- SA’s policy of promoting an organization that is free from discrimination and harassment, including sexual harass- ment, as detailed further in this policy, these procedures are not designed nor intended to limit SKILLSUSA’s authority to discipline or take remedial action for conduct which SKILL- SUSA deems unacceptable. B. Grievance Procedures i. organization contact: SkillsUSA Massachusetts Executive Director is: Karen Ward SkillsUSA Massachusetts 501 Paramount Drive Raynham, MA 02767 Telephone: (508) 738-2474 E-Mail: Members, parents, volunteers, or employees who wish to initiate the formal complaint process may also put their complaint in writing to the Executive Director listed above, who will then begin the formal procedure described below. Any volunteer, Advisor or employee who receives a formal complaint of discrimination or harassment shall immedi- ately forward the complaint to the Executive Director listed above, who will begin the formal procedure described below. The Executive Director shall handle the investigation and resolution of the complaint, unless the Board of Directors chooses to investigate the complaint or designates another person to investigate it on his/her behalf. Any complaint about an employee who holds a supervisory position shall be investigated by a person who is not subject to that super- visor’s authority. Any complaint about the Executive Director should be submitted to the President of the Board of Direc- tors, who should consult with legal counsel concerning the handling and investigation of the complaint. ii. internaL grievance ProceDure 1. Informal Resolution of Discrimination and Harassment Complaints Before initiating the formal procedure, the student/volun- teer/parent/employee may wish, if possible, to resolve the complaint on an informal basis through discussion. A student or parent can discuss the issue with his/her Advisor or a SkillsUSA Administrator. A volunteer or employee can discuss the issue with his/her immediate supervisor. Any Advisor or staff member who receives an informal complaint should notify a SkillsUSA Adminis- trator and any SkillsUSA Administrator who receives an informal complaint should notify the Executive Director. From there, the Executive Director and the Board of