2024–2025 SkillsUSA Massachusetts Advisors’ Handbook Chapter 11: State Leadership and Skills Conference • 142 General Information General Information The Massachusetts State Leadership and Skills Conference featuring the Massachusetts SkillsUSA Championships is the annual show- case for students enrolled in career, technical and health educa- tion. In addition to the student and teacher participants, business and industry play a great role in promoting the fundamental prin- ciples of career education. For a gathering of over 3,000 people to be a success, it is important that everyone know and respect the rules of the organization. Advisors and students should come to the conference prepared to fulfill their individual roles. Please carefully review the conference Information and adhere to all the requirements of the organization. Thank you for your continued involvement and best wishes for a successful conference. Conference Costs Please check the current price list in chapter 2 for room rates. We ask that Advisors consider Triples and Quads for students and Singles and Doubles for Advisors. If you have a problem with student numbers, please contact the association executive officer for further assistance. The per person conference costs include the following: • Hotel accommodations for two nights • Meals: two dinners, two buffet-style breakfasts, lunches, and judges and faculty lunches • General Sessions • Transportation to/from competition sites • Medallions, trophies and certificates • Equipment rental • Entertainment • Conference insurance • Conference programs and T-Shirts • Conference staff and state officer expenses • Conference security • Industry awards • Stock purchased • Promotional Materials The 2025 conference costs are: • Students: $510.00/person (quad) • Students: $535.00/person (triple) • Teachers: $595.00/person (double) • Teachers: $675.00/person (single) Code of Conduct/Ethics This is a reminder that every conference attendee is required to sign the Registration, Personal and Liability Release Form (NLSC1), which includes the conference Code of Conduct. The SkillsUSA Massachusetts Code of Conduct must be reviewed with all student participants. The code of conduct will be enforced at all times. Violators of the code of conduct will be immediately disqualified from his/her event(s), medals removed if any awarded and imme- diately sent home. SkillsUSA Massachusetts will provide conference security, in addi- tion to the security provided by the hotel. There has been very little trouble in the past due to the responsibility taken by each advisor for his/her student. This must continue to happen to prevent any problems. The image of career technical education can be damaged irreparably. Each advisor, section as well as school, is totally responsible for the students from their school. Please make sure that every adult from your school is aware that they are to be visible and participating in the conference. Various activities are scheduled at all times during the conference, such that conference attendees are always involved in an event or activity, or in their rooms during curfew. Please see the yearly conference memo, sent to advisors in the spring before the state conference, for specifics on activities available to participants. Please note that drug abuse and consumption of alcoholic bever- ages or narcotics by any conference attendees are strictly forbidden and result in immediate disqualification of the participants and ejection from the conference. Advisors are reminded that all adult participants (advisors, teachers, chaperones, etc.)—by filling out the Registration, Personal and Liability Release Form—have signed the Code of Conduct as well. If the students are expected to conform to a standard of behavior, it is only appropriate that adults also confirm to a high standard of behavior. Identification Badges Identification badges must be worn at all times. Due to the hotel being accessible to the public, any student not wearing a badge will be asked to leave by security. If a student is part of the confer- ence, but forgot his/her badge, they will be asked to return to his/ her hotel room with his/her advisor and retrieve it. If a student has lost his/her badge, it may be replaced at SkillsUSA conference headquarters or a Series Director for a new badge. The replacement cost for a badge is $5.00 Dress Codes The Opening Session and Awards Ceremony require official Skill- sUSA dress (with or without blazer) or business-like dress. Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed in these sessions dressed in any other fashion. The dress for competition is dependent upon the specific contest. See the clothing requirements for the specific contest requirements in the State Technical Standard Manual. (Note: In most skill events the participants will wear the official state T-shirt.) Transportation/Vehicles All conference participants must be provided transportation to/ from the conference. No student will be allowed to bring their vehicle. For everyone’s safety, please, no student vehicles. At the chapter advisor’s discretion, advisors may bring their own vehi- cles. (Note: Each vehicle owner will be responsible for their own parking expenses.) Transportation between conference hotels and competition sites will be provided by SkillsUSA Massachusetts to all conference participants.