2024–2025 SkillsUSA Massachusetts Advisors’ Handbook Chapter 4: SkillsUSA Massachusetts Programs • 71 Massachusetts Non-Traditional Career Portfolio Massachusetts Non-Traditional Career Portfolio Career Awareness in the 21st Century Introduction SkillsUSA Massachusetts is an integral part of all career and technical education programs in our state. One of the purposes of SkillsUSA is “To unite in a common bond all students enrolled in trade and industrial, technical, tech- nology and health occupations education.” SkillsUSA Massa- chusetts promotes students in non-traditional training programs and recognizes the need to generate awareness at all levels of education. Chapter Projects In September 2004, the Board of Directors approved a plan to allow each individual chapter to create a workshop geared toward making middle-school students aware of the career opportunities available in non-traditional training programs. The goal is to encourage students to consider non-traditional training programs and explore the benefits of high skill, high wage careers. All SkillsUSA chapters are encouraged to participate. Workshop Requirements 1. The workshop needs to focus on the goal—creating aware- ness on non-traditional programs, encouraging middle- school students to consider non-traditional training programs and exploring the opportunities and benefits. 2. A learning component will be required in the workshop. Participating students will get the opportunity to gather and understand information being presented about the topic. (This would involve data, stories on successful men & women in non-traditional careers, opportuni- ties, benefits, etc.) 3. Presentation: The workshop needs to be presented to a group of middle-school students before this school year’s State Leadership and Skills Conference. 4. Time Limit: The workshop should be between 1–2 hours. 5. Visuals: Each Chapter must use at least one of the following visual formats to accompany the workshop: • Flip chart(s): Description of how the flip chart(s) will be utilized throughout the workshop. • Overhead transparencies: A copy of the transparen- cies should be in the portfolio. • PowerPoint or other computer presentation (such as videos): Provide a hard copy of the presentation as well as a disk as part of the portfolio. Chapters are encouraged to be creative in their presen- tations. 6. Marketing material: The project must also include at least one piece of marketing material to promote/reinforce the goals you are addressing in the workshop. Examples: brochure, flyer, handbook, or pictures of a poster board that was created, etc. 7. Activity: The workshop will also need one interactive activity to capture the attention of the audience. For example: Games, ice breaker, skits, scenarios, etc. The activity has to address the topic at hand with a focus on non-traditional students in high-skill, high-wage careers. All participating SkillsUSA chapters are asked to compile a portfolio describing their workshop (created by student members) with accompanying information and materials (discussed below) to be presented to the SkillsUSA Massa- chusetts state office. Portfolio Requirements 1. Report: The written report must include a summary describing the workshop. The information must be a minimum of four pages in length, double-spaced. It must describe how the format was chosen, who the target audience is (middle school visited, grade level(s), and number of students), the project objectives and methods used to accomplish the finish product, and who partici- pated (Member name(s)). Describe what the impact of the presentation was. Additionally, support materials, such as a promotional description of the workshop and resources should be included. 2. A copy of each piece of material used in the workshop (Visuals, Marketing Material, Activity, Informational Material, etc.) needs to be included in the portfolio. 3. Any additional information, references, details on key- note speakers, or materials used to develop and conduct the workshop should be included in the portfolio. When developing the portfolio keep in mind that you want enough detail to assist someone who was not part of producing the workshop with presenting a similar workshop. Submitting Your Portfolio The portfolio must be submitted in a digital format, by The portfolio must be submitted in a digital format, by emailing a complete PDF file. emailing a complete PDF file. The first page(s) of the PDF file must be the official submission form with all informa- tion complete. All following pages are for the actual contest items, that would have been in the binder. The deadline for submission is April 1 The deadline for submission is April 1. All entries received by that date will be considered for Career Awareness in the 21st Century awards to be presented at the State Leadership & Skills Conference Award Ceremony. Workshops are eligible for advisors and state staff to use in SkillsUSA programs where appropriate. Please email the PDF file, including the submission form to: Email: [email protected] Subject: Non Traditional Career Portfolio